Our first process interview is charged at a flat rate of $450 plus GST. This is a face-to-face interview of up to 1 ½ hours. Here, we work with you to understand what you need to achieve and help map a pathway to assist you to move forward, removing the fear of the unknown and giving you the clarity to make good choices based on informed and practical guidance by our team.
From there, we offer:
Once a pathway to resolve issues is chosen, we can then also provide you with guidance as to the likely professional costs involved to get you to a resolution.
When acting in your family law matter, to the extent possible, we will endeavour to tailor our services to your budget. Equally, we trust that you will respect our trading terms and pay us per our agreement, and if financial circumstances change, you will immediately advise us.
As part of our service, we undertake to advise you of the most effective options about containing your family law costs.
Unlike most law firms, we do not require you to pay us upfront for our professional advice before we work on your case. We are committed to working in a relationship of trust with you, understanding that you are entrusting us with important life issues.
We understand the financial strain many of our clients experience.
We have finance options available to help alleviate the pressure.
Do not let finances get in the way of resolving your situation.
Together, we can remove the fear from your situation, and provide clarity and assurance.
Call Resolve Conflict today on (03) 9620 0088
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